执行SQL发生错误!错误:Unknown column 'lang' in 'where clause',语句:SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum FROM ay_content a LEFT JOIN ay_content_sort b ON a.scode=b.scode LEFT JOIN ay_content_sort c ON a.subscode=c.scode LEFT JOIN ay_model d ON b.mcode=d.mcode LEFT JOIN ay_member_group f ON a.gid=f.id LEFT JOIN ay_content_ext e ON a.id=e.contentid WHERE(a.scode in ('1','2','54','4','55') OR a.subscode='1') AND(a.status=1 AND d.type=2 AND a.date<'2024-04-18 21:30:05' AND a.acode='cn' ) AND(lang like '%cn%' AND searchword like '%户外散热片%' )
程序版本:3.0.4, 操作系统:WINNT, WEB应用:Apache/2.4.55 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1s mod_fcgid/2.3.9a